The Pines Detention Pond Update 2015:
We have some work coming up on the insert. Information has been mailed out to all homeowners with the specifics.
The Pines Detention Pond Update 2014:
At our request, Alpharetta performed the annual inspection of the detention pond
and the creek that flows into and through the pond. Both are still in good condition
and operating properly. The detention pond still needs some additional work. The city
recommends that we proceed at a faster rate than we have been. As a result, the board
has voted to increase the amount of money budgeted for the detention pond. This will
allow for more work to be done on the pond and should prevent the community from
experiencing a catastrophic expense related to the pond sometime in the future.
The creek that flows behind the homes along Pine Vista remains free of obstructions and
debris. Homeowners whose property backs up to the creek are reminded to refrain from
dumping anything (yard waste, etc.) into this creek. No trees or shrubs can be removed
that are within 25 feet of the stream bed. This is a state law. NOTE: Alpharetta has a
“rip rap” program whereby the city will supply one time annually a 100 square foot
supply of large rocks (rip rap) to a homeowner whose lot borders the creek and is
experiencing an erosion problem. Contact Will Eberly with the city of Alpharetta
@ 678-297-6200 for the details.
The land around the creek is NOT common area – it is not the responsibility of the
HOA. Each property owner whose property adjoins the creek is responsible for his/her
portion of this land.
The Pines Detention Pond Update 2013:
Alpharetta performed the annual inspection of the detention pond and the creek that
flows through the pond. Both are still in good condition and operating properly. The
detention pond still needs some additional clean up, but this can be done with relatively
little expense. Some new weed growth in the bottom of the pond (cattails) needs to be
removed, and we need to continue to address the erosion that has occurred at the outlet.
There are several trees that can be removed at our discretion.
The creek that flows behind the homes along Pine Vista remains free of obstructions
and debris. Homeowners whose property backs up to this creek are reminded to avoid
dumping anything (yard waste, etc.) into this creek. This can cause erosion problems
along the creek bank.
No trees or shrubs can be removed that are within 25 feet of the stream bed. This is a
state law. The land around the creek is NOT common area – it is not the responsibility
of the HOA. Each property owner whose property adjoins the creek is responsible for
his / her portion of this land.
The Pines Detention Pond Update 2012:
The Detention Pond Team met with the Alpharetta engineer on February 16 to assess
the condition of the pond. The news was very good. The pond is functioning well - no
problems. The dam, sides, and bottom are stable. The vegetation growing in the pond
is good and adds to the stability of the pond. The huge mound of sediment in the bottom
of the pond DOES NOT- have to be moved as previously expected. It is stable due to
the vegetation that was planted on it as well as the “volunteer” weed growth that has
taken place. This will save us several thousand dollars.
Regulations dictate the removal of trees already cut on the right side of the dam. Some
of the re-growth on the dam needs to be cut. Precautions are always taken using
chemicals in this area. The engineer recommended a "Roundup" type chemical for
downstream safety reasons and to prevent possible damage to invertebrates in the wet
areas. This will probably have to be applied in the spring as new growth appears.
We do not have to remove nearly as many trees as originally anticipated. Four trees near
an inlet need to be cut. There are some others at the left end of the pond that are actually
growing in the bottom of the pond (as opposed to the sides on the pond). These need to
be cut at some point. He suggested that we thin out some of the trees on the sides at our
discretion which would allow for healthier growing conditions for the other trees.
Placing cement bags in the eroded area behind the outlet wall was recommended. We
plan to start that process when the other works in done.
After this round of work, we can easily cut back on the amount we budget annually for
the detention pond work.
At this point, we can no longer allow machinery in the pond. This could damage the
natural restoration process that is taking place.
The Pines Creek Update:
On February 20, 2012 there was an annual inspection by the City of Alpharetta of our
creek/live stream in the community. (This information is primarily directed to those
homeowners whose property adjoins the creek [live stream] that flows through the
community from Pine Set Drive to the detention pond).
This stream MUST be kept clear of trash and debris. Any accumulation in the stream
could result in damage to property downstream and erosion related problems.
The State of Georgia (EPD) does not allow removal of vegetation such as trees, shrubs,
etc., from the area within 25 feet of the edge of the creek bank under normal circum-
stances. Permission must be obtained in advance of any such action.
This in not "common area" and is not the responsibility of the H.O.A. This is the respon-
sibility of each property owner along the stream.