Community Service

Please note that this is a Neighbors Helping Neighbors Directory.


Do you have a business or provide support services (such as babysitting,

pet sitting, yard work) that you would like to share with the neighborhood?


If you would like to be listed on the website and the community bulletin

board please send your information to the Board and we will post this for you.

You can email it to:


If you are a tween/teen please be sure your parents know you want to be listed

here prior to sending in your information and have them submit the request, or note in your request their name and approval.


If you are on The Pines at Kimball Bridge Facebook Group which is the open

forum for the community you have access to everyone in our community that

has joined that group. You can directly post your information there.




Category: Lawn Care

My name is Shane Burke and I live in The Pines. I am 19 and have lived here my whole life. Most people in the neighborhood who know me know that I’ve provided lawn care services around the neighborhood for years. Whether you need a regular lawn care service, or help with hedges, debris, or anything else lawn related, I can help. I have professional equipment and have been doing this for years so I promise I will provide the same or better quality as a professional company at a cheaper price. Also, you can help a hard working UGA student instead of a big company!

If you need a weekly or bi-weekly lawn service, I usually do the lawn, edges, weed-wacking, and blow it all clean at the end. I will include all of that in my price which is between $25-$40 depending on the size of the lawn and whether you want the backyard done or not.

Please feel free to contact me at 770-402-3360 if you are interested or have any questions.

Don’t forget, if you have any yard projects this summer I can definitely help!

Thanks!! -Shane Burke





Category:  Babysitting, Pet Sitting, Tutoring


My name is Delaney Burke and I am 17 years old; a rising senior at Chattahoochee High School. 


I am available for babysitting, pet sitting, and tutoring. I have years of experience in all three categories, and am able to babysit all ages, pet sit any type of pets, and tutor any age. For each job, details and prices may vary depending on length, number of children/pets, and your personal needs and requests. I am currently available to begin any job, it does not have to wait until summer. I will work to cater to your needs as much as possible! 


I am looking to make some additional money to help fund a three and a half week volunteer trip to Fiji and New Zealand this summer, so please call, text or email with any questions regarding availability, pricing or any other details! If you have any friends in the area that need any services, please do not hesitate to spread the word and share my contact information


Delaney Burke   770-330-5683




Category:  Pet Sitting


"My name is Sandy Flowers and I live in "The Pines" subdivision. I am a huge

animal lover who would like to offer in home pet sitting for your cats or dogs.

I have many years of experience with animals including working for a very large

and reputable kennel during my college years. In home pet sitting can be a better alternative to boarding because it is less traumatizing to your pet.



$10.00 per visit (ideal for people who work long days) OR

$25.00 per day  (includes 3 visits, ideal for people out of town)


No charge for additional pets


Visits include taking pet out for bathroom duty, feeding/watering and some playtime with your pet.


Please feel free to call me with any questions:  770-752-9969


References will be provided upon request.  Thanks!"

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The Pines at Kimball Bridge Homeowners Association, Inc