Making Exterior Improvements/Changes?
Remember to first submit your Project Approval Form!
It is located on the left side of the Home page, the last item listed.
Click on that link and it will take you to a word document of the Project Approval Form, for any home improvements. Instructions to submit are found once you click on the link and open the page.
Thank you!
Sunday, June 30th from 6 pm to 8 pm will be the Annual Homeowner's Meeting for 2024.
Frontera Mexican Kitchen 10990 State Bridge Road. Across from Kroger.
Appetizers provided!!
Annual Homeowners
Association Meeting
June 25, 2023 4 pm - 6 pm
Location = Frontera Mexican Kitchen
10990 State Bridge Road
The Graduation Banner is up at the front entrance.
Congratulations to all of our Pines Graduates for 2023!
Thanks to everyone who came out for the Halloween food truck party! We had a huge turnout and everyone had some spooktacular Tacos! Thanks to our HOA Board Members (looking at you Matt) for bringing the party.
Pine Rise Court
4:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Oct 31
Sign in at the HOA table
for your food truck tickets
Happy October, something spooky this way comes! Look at all the decorations popping up in the Pines. Booootiful!
Annual Homeowners
Association Meeting
June 12, 2022 4 - 6 pm
Ocee Park, Pavillion # 3
Notice a street light out in the Pines?
Did you know you can also report street light outages online at
Click on the outages button at the top of the page and then click the Report Outage button.
Next click on Report Street Light Problem Tool.
It helps if you have the number from off of the pole if there is an id number plate on the pole.
City of Alpharetta Trash and Recycling Brochure Highlights:
What is collected?
• Household trash, recyclables, yard waste, and bulky waste.
How often? • Weekly - household trash, recyclables, and yard waste.
• As needed – bulky waste (service must be requested 72 hours in advance by completing the Bulky Waste Pickup Form online at or by contacting Republic Services, Inc. at 678-407-6216).
When/where should the carts/bin be placed at the curbside for pickup?
• No later than 7:00 a.m. on your scheduled pickup day.
• The handles of the household trash and recycling carts should face the front of the house when placed at the curbside. Carts should be placed no more than 2 feet behind the curb line while leaving 5 feet of clearance (please do not place near mailboxes, trees, etc.).
• The glass recycling bin should be placed adjacent to the carts (please do not place the bin on top of the carts).
• Backdoor service is provided to customers with physical impairments. Please contact the city’s customer service team for more information.
Winners for the Dec 2021 Best Decorated contest!
Congratulations to those who won, and thanks to all those who got into the festive spirit.
Something spooky this way comes Pines residents!
Happy New Year 2021.
Winners for the Dec 2020 Best Decorated contest!
Congratulations to those who won, and thanks to all those who got into the festive spirit.
It's beginning to look alot like Christmas..2019..lights and decorations are popping up everywhere.
Have you seen our front entrance decorations? Thank you to our HOA Board members that were out there putting them up to make The Pines look pretty for the Holidays!
Season's Greetings, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays Pine's Residents!
It's that time of year where thoughts are turned to decorating the house and yard.
The Pines at Kimball Bridge HOA announces its time for the 2019 Holiday Lighting Contest!!! The contest offers residents an opportunity to showcase their creative talents with memorable holiday displays. Participants should be original, colorful and imaginative in decorating the exterior of their homes with lights, seasonal characters and appropriate decorations. Judges will be looking for the most "electrifying" display. The top four entries will receive award prizes. This contest is all about fun, holiday cheer, and the sense of pride in the community it inspires. Judging will be on Tuesday, December 17th, so light up those displays. The Pine's wishes all of our residents a happy and safe holiday season.
We regret to inform the neighborhood that we will not be having the
Halloween party this year.
We hope everyone has a safe and Happy Halloween.
In response to the comments regarding the Halloween party, the HOA board would like to remind our neighbors we have lost three key board members (including our Social Events Chair) in the last year that have moved out of the neighborhood. Our efforts in recruiting replacement board members have been unsuccessful. Please keep in mind that board members volunteer and give their personal time and efforts on your behalf throughout the year to first and foremost preserve the value of our properties. The HOA board has many responsibilities including managing finances, enforcing covenants and much more. We also do our best to put on parties and functions. All of this in addition to managing our own families, homes, and careers.
The board certainly recognizes that we could have done a better job of communicating through Facebook and will do our best to improve communication going forward. However, getting additional volunteers/board members would facilitate this and many more dire needs. We recently sent out the 2020 Dues Notices which include requests for volunteers. Please fill this out if interested in volunteering in the HOA and we will reach out to you. We can definitely use your help.
With all that said, the board has been in deep conversations regarding a family-friendly party/event as a Halloween replacement for 2019. We're looking at options that are not as labor-intensive nor require heavy lifting by board members and/or volunteers. Hopefully, something before the end of the year depending on scheduling. Stay tuned, more info to come on this.
Thanks in advance for your understanding and please let us know if you need anything in the meantime.
The board is working on putting the Halloween party together but we really need 3-4 volunteers to help out from 5-6pm during the party. We're offering an incentive to any high school-aged kids in the neighborhood that are willing to help out ($20 each). If you are interested or you have a high schooler who is interested, please send a message to the board at
Spooooky this way comes!
It's October - and you know what that means.....
Best decorated House contest
Feature your Door/Porch/Yard
Leave Lit JACK-O-LANTERN’s on your porch
Judging starts at 8:00 pm on
Tuesday, October 30th
Winners Announced on 31st
Halloween Party!!!!
When: Wednesday, October 31st
5:00 pm till TRICK-OR-TREATING starts
Where: Pine Knoll Court, Bring a Chair
Food, Fun and Games .
We hope you will BOOring yourself there.
Last month two 18 to 20 year-old men were seen jumping fences and cutting through several backyards in the neighborhood. A neighbor saw them hiding in the bushes of a lady who was out working in her yard nearby. The neighbor confronted them, they fled, and the police were called. The police searched the entire subdivision and could not find them.
In light of this incident to follow is a review of a posting from 2016 of what to do if you observe suspicious or dangerous activities in the Pines.
These are instructions from The Alpharetta Police Department (our liaison with the department is Officer Billy Waddell) on measures to follow if you observe suspicious or dangerous activities or incidents in our community.
Contact Alpharetta Police Dispatch (678-297-6300) if you see an incident in progress that does not represent immediate danger – the police will investigate.
Any incident involving an animal should be reported to Fulton County Animal Control so it can be investigated. The Fulton County Animal Control number is 404-613-0358. This number is good 24 hours a day. Call the police if the situation requires immediate attention.
Any incident involving children’s welfare can be reported to the Fulton County Department of Children’s Services. Call 419-337-0010 Monday – Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Any other time call the Fulton County Sheriff’s Office at 419-335-4010. The Alpharetta Police will also respond to a call involving children’s welfare.
CALL THE POLICE - 911 - when a crime is taking place or a situation appears to be out-of-hand! An actual witness to the event should make the call if at all possible.
SOLICITORS – We have “NO SOLICITING” signs at each entrance to our community. We have complied with Alpharetta rules that make these signs legal and the laws enforceable. Alpharetta DOES NOT issue permits for soliciting. Therefore, someone who tells you he / she has a permit to solicit DOES NOT! You can call the police and have these people removed. (We do make exceptions for organizations such as local schools, Girl Scout cookies, etc.)
These are situations that should be managed by the professionals listed above and NOT by the HOA board members.
Notify the HOA, too, so we can get the word out.
2017 Thanks to everyone who joined the fun for the Publix's Aprons Event. It was great fun!
Reminder: Homeowners whose property backs up to the creek that flows behind the homes along Pine Vista are reminded to refrain from dumping anything (yard waste, etc.) into this creek.
No trees or shrubs can be removed that are within 25 feet of the stream bed. This is a state law.
The land around the creek is NOT common area – it is not the responsibility of the HOA. Each property owner whose property adjoins the creek is responsible for his/her portion of this land.
There have been some questions/confusion regarding the covenant amendment currently out for voting on Leasing. Please fully read the amendment and if you have any questions or need any additional clarification please do not hesitate to contact the board. If you did not receive the information and ballot please contact the board so another one can be sent.
Please see the following message that was prepared by the HOA board to give
additional information about the current proposed Amendment #4 that was recently sent to homeowners to consider and vote
purpose of this amendment is to maintain and increase the value of our homes and property here in The Pines. This is the stated purpose of the first 3 amendments which you as homeowners passed
overwhelmingly. We now have 22 rental homes in The Pines. This amendment would set a maximum of 10 percent which is 13 homes. There is a “grandfather” clause which protects those homeowners who
currently have their home rented. The amendment is not offered to prevent homeowners from renting their homes, but only to control the number of rental homes. The amendment provides for exceptions
and protections for homeowners who may find it necessary to rent their home in the future.
The board is not trying to impose rules on the community. HOA rule changes have to be approved by 66 per cent of the homeowners. This is a “super” majority – not a simple majority. This is the
simplest form of a democracy, with people voting to protect their own property without government involvement. There are no mandates or executive actions on the part of the HOA Board. The board is
limited in its actions by corporate by-laws and the covenants –all of which are posted on our website.
The vote by the community at this time is 27 to 6 in favor of this amendment. The amendment is well designed and is very similar to those of the communities in our area. This amendment has been
researched for several years. It has been prepared and approved and encouraged by our attorney who specializes in homeowners associations. The realtors who contact us about homes being sold in The
Pines inevitably ask if we have controls on the number of homes currently being rented. This is a great concern to them and their clients who may be interested in buying a home in The Pines. Many, if
not most, of communities in our area LIMIT or PROHIBIT rental property.
If there is enough interest within the community, we can have an informational meeting to talk about this amendment. We can arrange for our attorney to be at that meeting and answer questions about
it. We have had similar meetings in the past, but the attendance has been historically LOW or non-existent. We must be sure enough homeowners will attend to schedule this. Show some interest – commit
to attend the meeting –and we will proceed with it.
HOA Board
These are instructions from The Alpharetta Police Department (our liaison with the department is Officer Billy Waddell) on measures to follow if you observe suspicious or dangerous activities or incidents in our community.
Contact Alpharetta Police Dispatch (678-297-6300) if you see an incident in progress that does not represent immediate danger – the police will investigate.
Any incident involving an animal should be reported to Fulton County Animal Control so it can be investigated. The Fulton County Animal Control number is 404-613-0358. This number is good 24 hours a day. Call the police if the situation requires immediate attention.
Any incident involving children’s welfare can be reported to the Fulton County Department of Children’s Services. Call 419-337-0010 Monday – Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Any other time call the Fulton County Sheriff’s Office at 419-335-4010. The Alpharetta Police will also respond to a call involving children’s welfare.
CALL THE POLICE - 911 - when a crime is taking place or a situation appears to be out-of-hand! An actual witness to the event should make the call if at all possible.
SOLICITORS – We have “NO SOLICITING” signs at each entrance to our community. We have complied with Alpharetta rules that make these signs legal and the laws enforceable. Alpharetta DOES NOT issue permits for soliciting. Therefore, someone who tells you he / she has a permit to solicit DOES NOT! You can call the police and have these people removed. (We do make exceptions for organizations such as local schools, Girl Scout cookies, etc.)
These are situations that should be managed by the professionals listed above and NOT by the HOA board members.